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An app to help
you & your buds

meet your
budgeting goals!

Fill a jar with buds.
Set a goal.
Set a date.
Make it happen.

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Download the App
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Can't make ends meet in time?
No sweat. We got you for now so you can enjoy your time.

Moni Jar will cover your chunk of the costs for up to two months. Pay us back when you can. Past two months there will be a small interest fee.  


Not only can you meet your own personal goals with Moni Jar, but you can set up a jar to accommodate a group of people
up to x number. Pick your group's Jar Bearer to manage the group.

You and your buds will split the jar evenly and have a choice of meeting your goal two ways:

1) Add your contributions through set automatic incremental payments. 


2) Make your payments at your own pace to meet the jar's deadline. You'll receive reminders about your deadline but just in case you can not, for some reason, meet it, you can request Moni Jar's help! We will foot the bill for you event. You'll have two months to pay it back, after that, there will be an interest fee. 

Once you and your buds have met your goal, the Jar Bearer will disperse the money through your venders or choice.  Then your jar will be closed.

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Created by Rachel & Taylor out of their own frustration, wishing for a place to digitally save money for some future fun. As a result of the pandemic, so many of us are wishing for the times where we could freely travel and adventure without limitations... All we can do for now is save and plan.

Moni Jar is a safe place for you, you and a loved one or a group of friends, to save money over a scheduled amount of time.

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